How Does Eating Affect Your Workouts?

Do you prefer to eat breakfast prior to your morning workout, or do you skip breakfast altogether? If you work out later in the...

Up Your Cardio Game in 2020

Doing your cardio or performing aerobic exercise (the kind that makes you huff-and-puff and gets your heart pounding) is great for cardio-vascular health. It...

Celebrate Spring and Have More Sex!

Did this winter find you more stressed than ever before? Are those Covid pounds causing your waistline to expand and your desperation to soar? ...

Let This Be Your Summer of Greatness

Let This Be Your Summer of Greatness Undeniably, 2020 will go down on record as one of the most challenging years ever! With the threats...

Stay Focused, Be Consistent, Make Gains!

Stay Focused, Be Consistent, Make Gains! If you are just beginning a new exercise program, or if you’ve been faithfully hanging in there with your...

Exercise Away Those Holiday Blues

Nearly all of us struggle with the “blues” from time to time, but for some people these moods continue for weeks, months or even...