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With all the time some politicians spend slinging mud at each other it’s a wonder they find the time do the public’s business, let alone have affairs and/or pass moral judgment on their constituents! The only thing more superhuman than their stamina is their audacious hypocrisy!



With all the time some politicians spend slinging mud at each other it’s a wonder they find the time do the public’s business, let alone have affairs and/or pass moral judgment on their constituents! The only thing more superhuman than their stamina is their audacious hypocrisy!



According to Oklahoma Rep. Sally Kern the U.S. is “a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage… and many other forms of debauchery.” Other declarations in the “Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation For Morality” she introduced to the Oklahoma legislature include blaming President Obama’s refusal to recognize the National Day of Prayer, the forsaking of our Christian heritage and our disregard for “biblical admonitions” as being responsible for our economic problems. Didn’t she blame gays for that earlier this year? (Actually she said we were a greater threat to national security than terrorism). A quick reading of the proclamation and its numerous references to God, the Creator of the Universe, the Bible and other things sacred to Christians make it appear as if she got her notes for church and the legislative chamber mixed up. How else can you explain the irony of including Roger Sherman’s words: “We hold sacred the rights of conscience, and promise to the people…the free and undisturbed exercise of their religion”? But only if they’re Christians, right? A rally was held outside the statehouse as she sought signatures for her declaration – over 200 people, including religious leaders and their congregants, we’re protesting Kern and her declaration. Kern’s response? “You are seeing a wonderful demonstration of intolerance.” Yes, indeed we are.

Freedom for Us – Not for You!


Channel 7 News recently reported on a controversial Fort Lauderdale billboard for the Florida Atheist and Secular Humanist Society (FLASH). The billboard reads, “Being a good person doesn’t require God. Don’t believe in God? You’re not alone.” Harmless enough, right? No. An employee at a nearby business expressed his support for multiple religious faiths and declared the community as one that is “spiritual based” while a worker at a nearby beauty salon declared it was “not good for the neighborhood.” The president of FLASH, Ken Loukinen, has said the community response was unintentional and seemed to be surprised women and people of color, victims of discrimination themselves, would discriminate against others, be they gay or non-religious. I guess tolerance only goes so far.

Michael Jackson’s Dead!


Did I get your attention? Probably not, which proves that no amount of media coverage can distract people from the nightmare of political affairs (the sexual kind) in Washington, D.C. (or Argentina). Governor Sanford (R-North Carolina) and Sen. John Ensign (R-Nevada) probably heaved a sigh of relief as the news was announced, thinking their affairs had fallen off the radar. Not so. Reports have emerged that Ensign approached fellows of what has been called a secret religious safehouse, where several lawmakers live, to discuss his plight; this group allegedly recommended Ensign offer payment to the mistresses family in an amount over $1M so they could pay off their mortgage and move away from him. The payment wasn’t a bribe, though – it was restitution. For what? Wear and tear? Associated Press has recently revealed that Ensign’s parents coincidentally gave the mistress and her family a “gift” of $96K after the affair was revealed (this is after the reported $25K severance pay the mistress received).

Bruno: Gay Bashing Isn’t Funny


Sacha Baron Cohen’s new film, Bruno, is in theaters now. Multiple sources have previewed the movie and opinions vary on Cohen’s portrayal of a gay Austrian fashion reporter and what this satirical parody means to the gay community. When writer-director Richard Day (Arrested Development, Ellen) spoke to about a screening of the movie back in February, he gave a preview of a scene that has supposedly been cut from the movie: “The cage-match kiss resulted in a violent attack on the couple. They then cut to a press event where… the boyfriend is now drooling, seemingly brain-damaged, and in a wheelchair, played for laughs.” We’ll soon know what this means for the rest of the movie. If you’ve seen the movie, feel free to comment and discuss at

Wait! What does Bruno have to do with politics? When you add Kernservatism, anti-gay politicians that use their right-wing teachings to moralize their argument (while they’re collaborating to pay hush money to mistresses) or others that discriminate in the name of God and color it with a touch of comic relief at the expense of extreme gay stereotypes, the result is an environment that makes it easy to justify the actions of the Fort Worth, Texas police raid of the Rainbow Lounge that resulted in one man sustaining a serious head injury or worse – the execution-style murder of Seaman August Provost while he was on guard duty at Camp Pendleton. It takes the funny out of the joke, doesn’t it?

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Rick Murray