Since we wrote about Shantell D’Marco, Miss Florida F.I. last week, we thought it only appropriate that this week we tell you all about her sister, Nicole T Phillips, Miss Florida F.I. at Large. I have personally known Nicole for 17 years, and could not have been happier than I was the day she won Miss Florida F.I. at Large. I know how much she wanted it and how hard she worked to achieve it.
What was the first drag show you saw and tell me about the experience?
The first drag show I attended was at the Carousel in Knoxville TN in 1996. The atmosphere was full of energy, and of course I was nervous and excited at the same time.
When did you decide you wanted to do drag and when did you realize it would be a profession?
After that first show in Knoxville I knew I wanted to try performing drag and I did. I didn’t make it my profession until I moved to South Florida in 2000.
Who is your drag mother and who is your favorite queen other than your drag mother and why?
My Drag Mother is Regine Phillips. She currently works at The Baton Show Lounge in Chicago. My favorite queen would be Latrice Royale, because she has always kept it real and has been true to herself.
What’s your favorite number to perform and why?
My favorite number would have to be Fantasia’s, “The Lord Is Blessing Me.” The songs talks about waking up every day is a blessing, which it is.
What’s the best thing that has happened to you in drag?
The best thing, by far, has been winning the title of Miss Florida F.I. at Large 2016!
What differentiates you from other Queens (Makes you Unique)?
Not trying to toot my own horn…yeah I am… it’s my lip synching skills. I think my lip synching is amazing and I’ve always been a stickler about that. It may seem like a small thing, bit in this field of female impersonation that plays a major part of your show.
What does the future hold?
I actually have the pageant bug, so once I give up Miss Florida F.I. at Large (which I’m not ready to do yet… lol), I want to venture out into the pageant circuit.
What venues around town can we find you working?
You can see me performing at Lips Restaurant Thursday-Sunday and at Boardwalk on Monday nights.
Why we Love her
- Her Lip Synching is on point
- Her characterization of Ella Fitzgerald is amazing
- She has helped so many other girls achieve their goals
- Miss Florida F.I. at Large was only her second pageant, but she killed it!