My Best Friend is Getting Too Touchy with my Boyfriend
Dear Andreus,
I have the best boyfriend in the world. He is kind, attentive, loyal, loving and communicates well. Like me, however, he doesn’t like...
My Husband Decides Everything For Us All The Time
Dear Andreus,
I have been married to my partner for 12 years now. For the most part, things are great – but like most couples,...
This Guy I’m Seeing Expects me to Foot the Bill for...
Dear Andreus,
I have been dating someone for 3 months now. We really get along well, and I like him a lot. The issue is...
I Feel Like I Need to Keep My Money a Secret...
Dear Andreus,
I recently came into some money and feel like I need to keep in a secret. My boyfriend is very high-maintenance and has...
How Soon is Too Early to Start Dating After a Breakup?
Dear Andreus,
I met someone, but both of us are not too long out of relationships. All my friends keep telling me that it is...
Should I Confront A Guy Who Dumped Me Out of The...
Dear Andreus,
I was recently getting to know this guy. It was obvious to both of us and everyone around us, that there was a...