Recovery – Take it Easy

In the fitness world, the mantra “no pain, no gain” often leads to a tunnel-vision approach where the focus is solely on intense workouts....

Do You Even Lift?

So we continue with the 4 elements of Fitness: Eat, Lift, Sleep, Repeat - and this time we focus on the most fun part:...

We Are What We Eat

To eat and what not to eat? That is the question! In our last issue we covered the 4 elements of Fitness - EAT,...

The 4 Elements of Fitness

When it comes to Hot bodies, it’s easy like ABC, the secret is: Eat, Lift, Sleep, Repeat. That’s it! No need to complicate it. These four...

Loosen Up

Are you built as a rock and stiff as a board? Never reach the floor and can’t touch your toes? Are you working on...

Turn Up The Heat

Ok, how many times have we skipped the warmup and headed straight for the weights? I guess we all take for granted all the...
