Sweating Too Much

Hey Woody, I read your answer to "smelly" (how to tell your new boyfriend his crotch smells like a grease-encrusted vomit bucket). Loved your...

Six Steps to Scoring Online

Hey Woody, I use all the dating sites I can to harvest a few dates, but I'm not having much luck. Is there some...

How To Spot A Top

Hey Woody, why does everybody think I'm a bottom? The other night I got mistaken for a bottom by a bottom! How embarrassing is...

Bisexual Response

Hey Woody, I recently read your response to "Tired," a man who was confused by his friend labeling himself as bisexual when, according to...


Hey Woody, I have a friend who insists he's bisexual, but I've never seen him with a woman. I've seen him with plenty of...

What To Do On The First Night Of Sex

Hey Woody, I hate one-night stands—I'm the kind that likes to go on two or three dates before I sleep with someone (the morning-after...