Free Yourself From Lower Back Pain!

Low back pain is the most frequent cause of missed work and it has been estimated that over 20 million people suffer with this...

Move It, Mister, With This Boot Camp Routine!

Move It, Mister, With This Boot Camp Routine! Looking for ways to put some heat under your summer workouts? Need to liven things up and...

Debunking Popular Fitness Myths

Debunking Popular Fitness Myths In an age when there is so much information coming at us from so many sources and so many directions, it...

Staying Fit and Healthy in the Good Old Summertime

Remember this summer to take some time to relax and chill. Take advantage of the slower pace at work to fine tune your workouts...

Stay Focused, Be Consistent, Make Gains!

Stay Focused, Be Consistent, Make Gains! If you are just beginning a new exercise program, or if you’ve been faithfully hanging in there with your...

Have A Ball Working Out

Have a Ball Working Out!   Looking for a fun and simple way to add some bounce to your workouts? Perhaps you are still exercising safely...